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Our teams worldwide are involved in specific projects that are aligned with our goal to make Jesus known. Anyone can become involved in these projects through praying, giving and serving. Which project interests you?
Do you have a heart to see children discipled in the ways of Jesus? Your gift will allow a child to attend Bible camp...
New believers around the world are growing to become effective followers and disciple makers of Jesus. Our teams are...
Would you help equip national leaders in Africa to multiply disciples and reach the lost?
Through discipleship and vocational skill development, the Trees of Life project trains future leaders in the Selenge...
The Church is growing in Thailand one family at a time, and our teams there are committed to equipping these families...
Multiply worker Cynthia Friesen serves alongside national leader and Multiply global worker, Wanchai Kumrod, and the...
This fund facilitates the ongoing development of missional training resources, equipping events, and the mobilization...
Discipling young people and equipping them for this ongoing ministry is a strategic move for advancing the Kingdom of...
Lithuanian Church camp is a place where young lives are impacted and transformed by the Gospel.
Many people across North Africa have never heard the life-giving message of the Gospel.
Will you help bring the hope of the Gospel to migrant people groups in East Asia?
$12116.88 Needed
Would you help bring the hope of the Gospel to Myanmar?